I began to slowly return to the water source again. he said, "you have received Christ Jesus our Lord, therefore, be ye in him, rooted and built on top of him, hendalah you grow strong in the faith who have been taught to you, and abound with thanksgiving let your hearts." (Kol.2: 6). Slowly, the days I began to improve thanks to the power of His Word. I'm more calm, started my job memberesi abandoned, and reconstruct my relationship with the giver of life, through His Word. 24 hours a day! when to set aside 5 minutes just to read his words I can not, I deserve shame and regret for wasted time and not looking for the best in life, which is always fresh.
"Everyone who drinks the water I give him, he will not be thirsty for good contrast,. The water that I give will become in him a spring that kept popping up in eternal life." (Yoh.4: 14).
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