Senin, 11 April 2011

Persiapan Diri

Rasa percaya diri seseorang tumbuh karena dipersiapkan, yang tidak lain merupakan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan. Para pemenang membebani diri mereka dengan persiapan yang matang dan bukan mencemaskan kemenangan. Jika kita tidak serius berlatih, kita akan bermain buruk; karena kita akan bermain seperti ketika kita sedang berlatih.

 Perbedaan antara kesuksesan dan kegagalan adalah perbedaan antara melakukan dengan benar dan hampir benar. Persiapan mental dan fisik yang prima merupakan hasil dari pengorbanan dan disiplin diri. Persiapan adalah aspek penting untuk berhasil di bidang apapun. Mudah saja mencapai hasil yang rata-rata atau bisa-bisa saja, tetapi sangat sulit menjadi yang terbaik. Tidak mengherankan bahwa orang yang menginginkan hasil biasa-biasa saja, selalu mengambil jalan yang mudah. Persiapan juga berarti belajar dari kesalahan kita. Tidak ada yang salah dengan melakukan kesalahan. Kita semua pernah berbuat salah. 

Orang bodoh adalah orang yang melakukan kesalahan yang sama berulang kali tanpa belajar dari kesalahan sebelumnya. Tidak ada yang dapat menggantikan persiapan, latihan, dan kerja keras. Persiapanlah yang dapat menimbulkan keyakinan untuk bersaing. Persiapan yang baik selalu meliputi tiga elemen, yaitu menguasai keterampilan teknis, membangun daya tahan, dan menambahkan kepercayaan diri. Janganlah bersikap seperti seorang fatalistik. 

Mereka adalah orang-orang yang menyerahkan keberhasilan dan kegagalan pada keberuntungan semata. Mereka percaya bahwa mereka akan menerima takdir yang telah digariskan oleh horoskop atau shio mereka, sehingga bagaimanapun persiapan dan usaha mereka tidak akan mempengaruhi apa-apa. Oleh karena itu, mereka tidak pernah melakukan persiapan dengan sungguh-sungguh, mereka menunggu sesuatu terjadi, bukan membuat sesuatu terjadi. Mereka kurang memiliki komitment, keberanian, dan rasa percaya diri, sehingga jika nasibnya jelek, mereka selalu beralasan bahwa pada saat itu mereka sedang tidak beruntung.

Salam Inspirasi Opini Bijak

Minggu, 03 April 2011

West Papua is not an Indonesian issue says Ayamisiba

The face of struggle: Andy Ayamiseba
The decision by Prime Minister Sato Kilman and Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group to accept Indonesia is a mockery to the people of Vanuatu.
In an exclusive interview with West Papua international activist now Vanuatu citizen, Andy Ayamiseba said PM Kilman has betrayed the trust accorded to him by the people of Vanuatu, the Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
“A poll conducted by the Pacific Institute of Public Policy in Melanesia has indicated that the majority of Melanesians want independence for West Papua.
“The majority of the Council of Ministers want Vanuatu vote against Indonesia being granted observership.
“The Vanuatu Parliament approved that Vanuatu support an application for West Papua to be a member of MSG.
“Yet, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu agreed to the application of Indonesia being granted Observer Status in MSG. That’s a slap in the face of the people of Vanuatu,” Mr Ayamiseba said in the wake of announcement that MSG had agreed to Indonesia’s application way back in March 15.
This meant that the Council of Ministers meeting which National United Party President, Deputy Prime Minister Ham Lini chaired on March 24 which gave clear directions to PM Kilman not to accept Indonesia in MSG was meaningless.
Finance Minister Moana Carcasses and Justice Minister Ralph Regenvanu attended a press conference last Friday where Mr Carcasses publicly said that the Council of Ministers had decided for Vanuatu not to accept Indonesia.
“How could Melanesia accept a country who has killed more than 600, 000 Melanesians over the last 50 years sit with Melanesians in the MSG. Indonesia has been intimidating, torturing and killing Melanesians over half a century and now MSG has accepted them. MSG should be called Asian Spearhead Group,” a frustrated Ayamiseba said.
He said West Papua is not an Indonesian issue. It is an international issue and Indonesia cannot be invited to MSG because it’s a clear conflict of interest.
“West Papua is not a small rock like East Timor. West Papua is the energy power house of the world. For that reason West Papua is very important in the eyes of the world. Not Indonesia,” Mr Ayamiseba said.
If the MSG leaders understand global politics and want dialogue to effect change then dialogue with the Americans because the Americans have business interests in West Papua, not Indonesia, Mr Ayamiseba said.
He attacked the Joint Development Programme established between Jakarta and Port Vila that it would work only to boost Indonesian interests in Vanuatu but we will not benefit from it.
“Did Papua New Guinea benefit from the same programme it established with Indonesia many years ago? No.” Mr Ayamiseba said.
Nearly all the Vanuatu Prime Ministers after Independence were very vocal on the West Papua cause. The late Father Walter Lini was very vocal on to issue of West Papua, former Vanuatu Prime Minister Barak Sope raised the West Papua issue at the Millennium Summit, former PM Serge Vohor raised the issue internationally. Deputy PM Lini pushed for West Papua to be given obervership in 2008 when he was Vanuatu PM.
And more recently, former PM Edward Natapei moved a motion in support of West Papua in Parliament that was seconded by the then Opposition Leader, Maxime Carlot Korman, who was also a former Vanuatu PM, and now Speaker of Parliament.

West Papua is not an Indonesian issue says Ayamisiba

The decision by Prime Minister Sato Kilman and Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group to accept Indonesia is a mockery to the people of Vanuatu.
In an exclusive interview with West Papua international activist now Vanuatu citizen, Andy Ayamiseba said PM Kilman has betrayed the trust accorded to him by the people of Vanuatu, the Parliament and the Council of Ministers.
“A poll conducted by the Pacific Institute of Public Policy in Melanesia has indicated that the majority of Melanesians want independence for West Papua.
“The majority of the Council of Ministers want Vanuatu vote against Indonesia being granted observership.
“The Vanuatu Parliament approved that Vanuatu support an application for West Papua to be a member of MSG.
“Yet, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu agreed to the application of Indonesia being granted Observer Status in MSG. That’s a slap in the face of the people of Vanuatu,” Mr Ayamiseba said in the wake of announcement that MSG had agreed to Indonesia’s application way back in March 15.
This meant that the Council of Ministers meeting which National United Party President, Deputy Prime Minister Ham Lini chaired on March 24 which gave clear directions to PM Kilman not to accept Indonesia in MSG was meaningless.
Finance Minister Moana Carcasses and Justice Minister Ralph Regenvanu attended a press conference last Friday where Mr Carcasses publicly said that the Council of Ministers had decided for Vanuatu not to accept Indonesia.
“How could Melanesia accept a country who has killed more than 600, 000 Melanesians over the last 50 years sit with Melanesians in the MSG. Indonesia has been intimidating, torturing and killing Melanesians over half a century and now MSG has accepted them. MSG should be called Asian Spearhead Group,” a frustrated Ayamiseba said.
He said West Papua is not an Indonesian issue. It is an international issue and Indonesia cannot be invited to MSG because it’s a clear conflict of interest.
“West Papua is not a small rock like East Timor. West Papua is the energy power house of the world. For that reason West Papua is very important in the eyes of the world. Not Indonesia,” Mr Ayamiseba said.
If the MSG leaders understand global politics and want dialogue to effect change then dialogue with the Americans because the Americans have business interests in West Papua, not Indonesia, Mr Ayamiseba said.
He attacked the Joint Development Programme established between Jakarta and Port Vila that it would work only to boost Indonesian interests in Vanuatu but we will not benefit from it.
“Did Papua New Guinea benefit from the same programme it established with Indonesia many years ago? No.” Mr Ayamiseba said.
Nearly all the Vanuatu Prime Ministers after Independence were very vocal on the West Papua cause. The late Father Walter Lini was very vocal on to issue of West Papua, former Vanuatu Prime Minister Barak Sope raised the West Papua issue at the Millennium Summit, former PM Serge Vohor raised the issue internationally. Deputy PM Lini pushed for West Papua to be given obervership in 2008 when he was Vanuatu PM.
And more recently, former PM Edward Natapei moved a motion in support of West Papua in Parliament that was seconded by the then Opposition Leader, Maxime Carlot Korman, who was also a former Vanuatu PM, and now Speaker of Parliament.

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

International News REGION: West Papua Wants Independence Talk At Pacific Forum

Friday: August 4, 2006
(Tahitipresse) - The separatist movement in the Indonesian province of West Papua wants to raise its independence struggle at the Pacific Island Forum summit, Radio Australia reported.
The Free Papua Movement (OPM) hopes they can persuade Melanesian nations to speak on their behalf at the October meeting.
The Forum has traditionally been reluctant to get drawn into the West Papuan question, seeing the dispute over the mainly Melanesian province, which comprises the western half of New Guinea, as an internal matter for Indonesia.
However, John Ondowame, the OPM's international representative, said they would try again to get the issue onto the Forum agenda when the regional leaders meet in Tonga later this year.
He is hoping an earlier conference of the Melanesian Spearhead Group would prove more sympathetic, and those nations, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, would articulate the OPM's cause.

Indigenous Peoples & Conflict Prevention & Resol.

For immediate release: Tuesday 1st August, 2006.
being presented by fPcN in the UN WGIP 2006, Geneva, tomorrow - watch the website, from 2nd August for photos as we receive them.
United Nations
Economic and Social Council
Working Group on Indigenous Populations
Twenty-fourth session
Geneva, 31st July - 4th August 2006
Item (c) of the Agenda: Indigenous peoples and conflict prevention and resolution
Dear Chair, Tribal & Indigenous Peoples, Secretariat, Government representatives, ladies & Gentleman,
At this meeting, I am speaking on behalf West Papuan Tribal peoples and the indigenous Papuan students, submit our aspiration for self-determination as our solution to conflict in West Papua. We know the colonised tribal people of West Papua have wanted and deserved an United Nations administrated Self-determination since 1962 when the Republic of Indonesia signed an agreement with the Kingdom of the Netherlands to transfer administration without the people's consent, of the colony, West New Guinea which we call West Papua.
We remind the United Nations that the UN General Assembly Resolution 2504 in November 1969 did not state whether the so called 1969 'Act of Free Choice' complied with the United Nations Charter articles 1, 73, 74, or with the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 1514 and 1541 of December 1960 of which the Republic of Indonesia approved at that time.
We remind the United Nations and world that the indigenous people of West Papua continue to demand their rightful self-determination and the removal of the colonial military forces from West Papua, from the United Nations and its members. We call on the United Nations under UN Charter article 1 and 74 and under UN General Assembly Resolutions 1514 and 1541 to help the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate a true act of West Papuan self-determination by "all adults, male and female, not foreign nationals" and "in accordance with international practice" as was stated in Article XVIII of the 1962 Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and Kingdom of the Netherlands, and in which the United Nations had promised to help.

We hope the United Nations and Republic of Indonesia will show good faith and human respect for the traditional land owners of West New Guinea by supporting self-determination without being reminded of the many decades of human rights abuses, of jihad training camps now established inside West Papua, of HIV/AIDS and other medical illnesses introduced to the people of West Papua, of forests felled for foreign wood markets or to make space for a foreign population of farmers from over-populated parts of Indonesia.
We remind the United Nations and the Republic of Indonesia that the large military presence in West Papua can only increase discrimination against West Papuan indigenous peoples by non-indigenous domination in many sectors. Excessive Indonesian military presence spreads human misery; murder, rapes, unlawful persecution, arrest, abductions, disappearances and the lose of parents and other family members by many children who then can not continue their culture or schooling.
At the end of 1960, according to Dutch government data the West Papuan population amounted to 800,000, more than the 600,000 people of their brothers and sisters in Papua New Guinea (PNG). But the Indonesian statistics office in 2004 said the West Papua indigenous people amounted to only 1.500.000 million, where as the PNG indigenous population had grown to 6 million. We fear that corrupt business interests have wanted to deny West Papuan self determination until foreign nationals outnumber our indigenous population, making us a minority in our own land.
In 1961 natural resources like copper & gold deposits which Freeport admitted was near Timika was under regulation of the elected West New Guinea parliament for the benefit, only, of the people of West Papuan. But since transfer of colony to Indonesian administration the Indonesian military has taken control over natural resources in West Papua, this has resulted in many illegal activities; illegal logging, illegal fishing, even illegal prostitution is a project with full backing by Indonesia military.
Our Recommendations:We call for self-determination with United Nations assistance to restore our rights as tribal peoples; to our lands, to political freedom, to economic and social prosperity. We have these rights under Article 1 of the UN Charter, General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, General Assembly Resolution 1541, General Assembly resolution 2625, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Social, Cultural and Economic Rights. The International Court of Justice also says that all states must respect the right of self-determination.
We request the United Nations to revisit West Papua and provide an environment where the native West Papuans have a real opportunity for the self-determination, as described in THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution of 10 December 1948 -Paragraph C. THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION - No. 8. Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial and Peoples, General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960.
We ask, this Working Group, to expeditiously ask the state of Indonesia why it is preventing the UN representative on Human Rights from entering West Papua.
Furthermore to stop the 1000's of deaths of innocent West Papuans, every year the increasing sale of arms to an already mass murdering military has to be halted. I ask all of you here, my brothers and sisters to help us. If your country is selling arms to Indonesia, please help us by getting them to stop.
I make this statement as a representative of West Papuan Tribal peoples and especially on behalf of the students of West Papua. We ask the United Nations to restore and recognise our rights as tribal peoples with our own distinct cultures. We especially ask for respect for our way of living as tribal peoples.
Thank You
Your Sincerely
Edyson Wenda
International Spokesman for Papua Student Alliance (AMP)
Presented by fPcN interCultural on behalf of Edyson Wenda and the Association of West Papua Students, (AMP).
Watch the website:, from 2nd August for photos as we receive them, shortly after to be followed up with short films.
For immediate release: Tuesday 1st August, 2006.


Salam Demokrasi, Salam Pebebasan!!

Semenjak aneksasi Papua kedalam NKRI lewat Pepera 1969, ketidakadilan dan kekerasan terus saja tercatat dalam lembaran sejarah kelam Bangsa Papua. Untuk membungkam suara rakyat Papua, operasi-OPERASI militer baik organic maupun non-organik terus saja diadakan semenjak 1962 hingga sekarang. Jutaan nyawa rakyat Papua telah menjadi tumbal kebiadaban yang membasahi tanah Papua Barat dengan darah. Angin reformasi yang berhembus dengan ditumbangkannya rezim represif ORBA 1998, memberi ruang untuk demokratisasi namun hanya berlangsung sangat singkat saja.

Suara protes rakyat Papua tidak akan pernah diacuhkan, namun yang akan terjadi adalah penjarahan kekayaan alam dan pemusnahan bangsa Papua secara pelan tapi pasti terus berlangsung dengan memberikan stigma separatis bagi siapapun yang melawan ketidakadilan ini. Melawan berarti berhadapan dengan moncong senjata.

Ditengah hangatnya isu HAM yang sedang diusung berbagai elemen gerakkan pro demokrasi seantero nusantara, Papua kembali dihangatkan dengan penembakkan terhadap rakyat sipil di Distrik Wagethe Kecamatan Tigi Kabupaten Paniai pada 20 Januari 2006 lalu. Berita ini tentu saja mengagetkan para pekerja kemanusiaan yang sedang menguras tenaga dan pikirannya untuk berbagai kasus pelanggaran HAM yang belum tampak titik terangnya ini.

Berawal dari proyek pembuatan jalan di Wagethe oleh pemerintah daerah setempat yang ditangani oleh Danramil. Karena pekerjaan mereka yang sebagian besar hampir selesai, PETRUS PEKEY salah satu pekerja proyek di desa Gakokebo mendatangi Danramil sebagai pihak yang menangani proyek untuk meminta pembayaran. Permintaan ini ditolak oleh pihak Danramil. Kedua kalinya Petrus datang lagi bersama seorang temannya menghadap kepala Distrik Wagethe. Kepala Distrik menyarankan untuk ke Danramil dulu baru kembali sesuai dengan nomor urut yang terdapat dalam surat tagihan atau tuntutan para pekerja yang dibawa oleh Petrus dan temannya.

Sesampai di Danramil, pihak Danramil membaca lalu mengembalikan surat itu kepada Petrus dan mengatakan bahwa petrus dan kawan-kawan harus menyelesaikan pekerjaan sisa. Ketika Petrus dan kawannya hendak pergi, surat tuntutan itu direbut oleh salah satu anggota Timsus yang ada di dalam kantor itu lalu menyobek surat tersebut di depan keduanya.

Keduanya lalu pergi meninggalkan kantor Danramil menuju terminal lalu menceritakan perlakuan aparat itu pada mereka.

Massa yang tidak terima dengan perlakuan ini bermaksud mendatangi Danramil untuk meminta penjelasan. Belum lagi sampai di tempat tujuan, bunyi suara tembakkan menyusul tembakkan ke arah massa yang berkumpul. Massa kemudian berlari mencari tempat perlindungan.

Empat orang Korban dalam penembakkan ini adalah :

  1. MOZES DOUW (14 tahun, siswa SMP Negeri Wagethe), meninggal dunia.
  2. YUNIKE KOTOUKI (18 tahun, pelajar), luka tembak di paha kanan
  3. PETRUS PEKEY (43 tahun, pekerja proyek), luka tembakkan pada rusuk kanan
  4. MELIANUS DOUW, luka memar

Merunut kembali pada kronologi penembakkan ini, jelas bahwa tuntutan pembayaran kerja hanyalah alasan yang digunakan oleh aparat TNI untuk melakukan kekerasan terhadap rakyat sipil di Papua. Pendekatan militeristik seperti ini sudah berlangsung sejak Papua berintegrasi dengan NKRI tahun 1969 dimana saat itu juga status DOM diberlakukan di Papua.

Pelaku penembakkan diduga kuat adalah Letda Inf. Situmeang dari TNI adalah Komandan Pleton (Danton) Timsus Yonif 753 Arga Viratama diduga kuat pelaku penembakkan terhadap YUNIKE KOTOUKI dan PETRUS PEKEY serta Bripda Ronald Isac Tumena dari Polri, dia adalah anggota Polsek Wagethe yang diduga kuat melakukkan penembakkan terhadap MOZES DOUW yang akhirnya meninggal itu.

Kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan seperti ini akan terus menerus terjadi di Tanah Papua selama tidak ada kekuatan hukum di Indonesia yang mampu memutus rantai kebal salah dan kebal hukum (impunity) yang dimiliki TNI selama Indonesia merdeka. Ini terbukti dengan tidak ada satupun Kasus pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia yang mampu menyeret para petinggi TNI Polri ke balik jeruji besi.

Melihat berbagai perkembangan sosial masyarakat di Wagethe dan sikap pemerintah dan Kapolda Papua terhadap kasus ini sekaligus pemenuhan rasa keadilan bagi para korban dan keluarga korban maka kami Gerakan Anti Penjajahan Yogyakarta menyatakan sikap :